Saturday, December 27, 2014

"Puto Bumbong"

Puto Bumbong is a type of rice cake made of glutinous rice flour or malagkit, and ube powder or purple yam powder (with my own version)which cooked in steamers, this purple colored Filipino delicacy is tradionally sold in churches plaza like bibingka,during Christmas season in the start of Simbang Gabi (midnight mass)Puto Bumbong is flavored with butter or margarine and topped or garnish with fresh grated coconut and grated panutsa or refined brown sugar. Like Bibingka Puto Bumbong is also served with SALABAT or ginger tea....
                                                       Puto Bumbong recipe
                                 (please watch the video below for procedute))
                                         2 cups glutinous rice flour
                                         1 cup ube powder (powdered purple yam)
                                         2 1/4 cups coconut milk
                                                  butter or margarine
                                                  fresh grated coconut
                                                  panutsa or brown sugar
                                         combine flour and ube powder
                                         gradually add coconut milk
                                         mix well until incorporated
                                         puto bumbong  dough
                                         form or shape into a log
                                         wrap in banana leave
                                         fold and tie both edges
                                         steam for about 20 to 25 minutes
                                          remove all steamed puto bumbong from
                                          banana leaves and transfer to the serving
                                          plate, flavor with butter or margarine and
                                          garnish with fresh grated coconut and
                                          grounded panutsa or brown sugar.
                                          serve with Salabat or ginger tea...

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